make your tastebuds go wild




PREP/COOK TIME: 30 minutes


These savoury pancakes have amazing umami flavour thanks to Smoky Kāpeti. Enjoy them for breakfast, lunch or dinner with your choice of toppings. Smoked salmon, crème fraîche & a drizzle or maple, or sautéed mushrooms, coconut yogurt & dill.


1 cup flour (gluten-free use: 1/2 cup rice flour + 1/2 cup buckwheat flour)
2 tsp baking powder
pinch salt
1 Tbsp chopped dill
1/2 cup Smoky Kāpeti
200 ml milk
1 egg
salt + pepper
avocado or coconut oil for cooking 


2 Tbsp crème fraîche or coconut yoghurt
smoked salmon or sautéed mushrooms
1/4 cup Smoky Kāpeti
pure maple syrup (optional)
extra fresh dill 


Combine the flour, baking powder and salt in a mixing bowl. 

In a separate bowl whisk the milk and egg together, add to the flour mixture and whisk until smooth.
Stir in the dill and Smoky Kāpeti. Let the mixture sit for a couple of minutes while you prepare your toppings.
Heat a little oil in a fry pan over medium heat. When hot add spoonfuls of mixture and shape into pancakes. Cook pancakes for a minute or two until bubbles appear, then flip to cook the other side.
Stack the pancakes on serving plates and top with crème fraîche, salmon, Smoky Kāpeti and a sprinkle of dill (or coconut yoghurt, mushrooms and kraut). If you’re feeling extra add a drizzle of pure maple syrup for a truly decadent stack!
Enjoy pancakes warm, with a glass of your favourite kefir.

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